Sunday 17 September 2017

Java Turing Machine

Here is a Turing Machine implemented in Java as described by the Wikipedia article:

With the copy subroutine test taken from:

package org.adrianwalker.turingmachine;

import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public final class Tape {

  private final TreeMap<Integer, String> cells;
  private final String blank;

  public Tape(final String blank) {

    this.cells = new TreeMap<>();
    this.blank = blank;

  public List<String> getCells() {

    return rangeClosed(cells.firstKey(), cells.lastKey())
            .map(i -> getCell(i))

  public void putCells(final List<String> symbols) {

    range(0, symbols.size())
            .forEach(i -> putCell(i, symbols.get(i)));

  public String getCell(final int position) {

    return cells.getOrDefault(position, blank);

  public void putCell(final int position, final String symbol) {

    cells.put(position, symbol);

package org.adrianwalker.turingmachine;

public final class Head {

  private final Tape tape;
  private final String leftSymbol;
  private final String rightSymbol;
  private final String noOpSymbol;
  private int position = 0;

  public Head(
          final Tape tape,
          final String leftSymbol, final String rightSymbol, final String noOpSymbol) {

    this.tape = tape;
    this.leftSymbol = leftSymbol;
    this.rightSymbol = rightSymbol;
    this.noOpSymbol = noOpSymbol;

  public void move(final String symbol) {

    if (noOpSymbol.equals(symbol)) {

    if (leftSymbol.equals(symbol)) {
      position -= 1;
    } else if (rightSymbol.equals(symbol)) {
      position += 1;

  public String read() {

    return tape.getCell(position);

  public void write(final String symbol) {

    if (noOpSymbol.equals(symbol)) {

    tape.putCell(position, symbol);

package org.adrianwalker.turingmachine;

public final class StateRegister {

  private final String haltState;
  private String state;

  public StateRegister(final String haltState, final String startState) {

    this.haltState = haltState;
    this.state = startState;

  public boolean isHaltState() {

    return state.equals(haltState);

  public String getState() {

    return state;

  public void setState(final String state) {

    this.state = state;

package org.adrianwalker.turingmachine;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public final class Table {

  public static final class Entry {

    private final String state;
    private final String symbol;
    private final String writeSymbol;
    private final String moveTape;
    private final String nextState;

    public Entry(
            final String state, final String symbol,
            final String writeSymbol, final String moveTape, final String nextState) {

      this.state = state;
      this.symbol = symbol;
      this.writeSymbol = writeSymbol;
      this.moveTape = moveTape;
      this.nextState = nextState;

    public String getState() {
      return state;

    public String getSymbol() {
      return symbol;

    public String getWriteSymbol() {
      return writeSymbol;

    public String getMoveTape() {
      return moveTape;

    public String getNextState() {
      return nextState;

  private static final String SEPARATOR = "_";

  private final Map<String, Entry> table;

  public Table() {

    table = new HashMap<>();

  public void put(
          final String state, final String symbol,
          final String writeSymbol, final String moveTape, final String nextState) {

            state + SEPARATOR + symbol,
            new Entry(state, symbol, writeSymbol, moveTape, nextState));

  public Entry get(final String state, final String symbol) {

    return table.get(state + SEPARATOR + symbol);

package org.adrianwalker.turingmachine;

import org.adrianwalker.turingmachine.Table.Entry;

public final class TuringMachine {

  private final Head head;
  private final StateRegister stateRegister;
  private final Table table;

  public TuringMachine(final Head head, final StateRegister stateRegister, final Table table) {

    this.head = head;
    this.stateRegister = stateRegister;
    this.table = table;

  public long execute() {

    long steps = 0;

    while (!stateRegister.isHaltState()) {


      String state = stateRegister.getState();
      String symbol =;

      Entry entry = table.get(state, symbol);

    return steps;

package org.adrianwalker.turingmachine;

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

public final class TuringMachineTest {

  private static final String BLANK = "0";
  private static final String MOVE_LEFT = "L";
  private static final String MOVE_RIGHT = "R";
  private static final String NO_OP = "N";
  private static final String HALT_STATE = "H";
  private static final String START_STATE = "A";

  public void testBusyBeaver() {

    Tape tape = new Tape(BLANK);
    Head head = new Head(tape, MOVE_LEFT, MOVE_RIGHT, NO_OP);
    StateRegister stateRegister = new StateRegister(HALT_STATE, START_STATE);

    Table table = new Table();
    table.put("A", "0", "1", "R", "B");
    table.put("A", "1", "1", "L", "C");
    table.put("B", "0", "1", "L", "A");
    table.put("B", "1", "1", "R", "B");
    table.put("C", "0", "1", "L", "B");
    table.put("C", "1", "1", "N", "H");

    TuringMachine machine = new TuringMachine(head, stateRegister, table);
    long steps = machine.execute();

    assertEquals(13, steps);
    assertEquals(asList("1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"), tape.getCells());

  public void testCopySubroutine() {

    Tape tape = new Tape(BLANK);
    tape.putCells(asList("1", "1", "1"));

    Head head = new Head(tape, MOVE_LEFT, MOVE_RIGHT, NO_OP);
    StateRegister stateRegister = new StateRegister(HALT_STATE, START_STATE);

    Table table = new Table();
    table.put("A", "0", "N", "N", "H");
    table.put("A", "1", "0", "R", "B");
    table.put("B", "0", "0", "R", "C");
    table.put("B", "1", "1", "R", "B");
    table.put("C", "0", "1", "L", "D");
    table.put("C", "1", "1", "R", "C");
    table.put("D", "0", "0", "L", "E");
    table.put("D", "1", "1", "L", "D");
    table.put("E", "0", "1", "R", "A");
    table.put("E", "1", "1", "L", "E");

    TuringMachine machine = new TuringMachine(head, stateRegister, table);
    long steps = machine.execute();

    assertEquals(28, steps);
    assertEquals(asList("1", "1", "1", "0", "1", "1", "1"), tape.getCells());

Source Code

Build and Test

The project is a standard Maven project which can be built with:

mvn clean install