Saturday 9 March 2019

Card Table

Card Table is a multi-player web based virtual card table implemented using Java, plain JavaScript, WebSockets and Postgres.

Source Code

Code available in GitHub - card-table


This project requires a minimum of Java 8 JDK to build and a Postgres installation.

A drop/create Postgres SQL script needs to be run to create and initalise the database with default data:

Configure the Java web application's database dev configuration:

Build and Run

Build and run using Maven with an embedded Tomcat:

mvn clean install tomcat7:run-war

Browse to:


A new card table will be created with a unique URL. If this project is deployed to a publicly available host, the URL can be shared with other players to play against.

Mouse Controls

Packs of cards can be dragged from the side bar and dropped on the table to create a new deck. Currently there are 2 decks - both standard 52 card decks, one with a black back and one with a red back.

Single cards can be clicked and dragged to move them around the table. Multiple cards can be selected by clicking and dragging the mouse and drawing a selection box around the cards to be selected. Selected cards can be clicked and dragged to move more than one card.

Clicking a single card will turn the card face up/face down. Clicking multiple selected cards will shuffle the selected cards.

Moving cards to the bottom of the table, below the green line, hides them from other players. Any card actions which take place here, e.g. moving, turning and shuffling will not be broadcast to other players.

Dragging single or multiple cards off the screen removes them from the table.

See the video above for examples of all these actions.

Supported Browsers

Currently only desktop browsers are supported due to the lack of native drag-and-drop JavaScript support on mobile devices. At the time of writing, Card Table has been tested on Chrome 72, Firefox 65, Edge 42, IE 11 and Opera 58.