Sunday 17 March 2013

Properties design pattern and Prototype-based programming in Java

After reading Steve Yegge's post about the properties design pattern and how it can be used to create a prototype-based object system, I thought I'd have a go at an implementation in Java to understand more.

If you haven't read the above post already, it definitely worth a read (or two), and makes everything below make more sense, give it a go.

First, I wanted to define the minimum API needed to get a working properties object as described in the Overview section. A basic properties interface:

package org.adrianwalker.propertiespattern;

interface Properties<N, V> {

  V get(N name);

  V put(N name, V value);

  boolean has(N name);

  V remove(N name);

I'll defer describing the implementation until the end, because as soon as you have the basic functionality done there is a load more you're going to want to add.

Once you've got your Properties implementation storing name/value pairs and inheriting from a prototype Properties object stored against a reserved key name, at that point, your going to want to add some way for your objects to simulate methods to manipulate the property values.

Because Java doesn't have first class functions, a methods functionality needs to be encapsulated using the Strategy pattern.

package org.adrianwalker.propertiespattern;

interface Strategy<N, V, T, A> {

  T execute(Properties<N, V> properties, A... args);

In addition to the Strategy interface, I extended the basic Properties interface with an execute method to call a Strategy property:

package org.adrianwalker.propertiespattern;

interface ExecutableProperites<N, V, T, A> extends Properties<N, V> {

  T execute(N name, A... args);

You're also probably going to want a way of returning an object's property names, possibly filtered with by a regex, or a globing pattern, or partial string match or some kind object comparison. So another extension to the Properties interface:

package org.adrianwalker.propertiespattern;

import java.util.Set;

interface FilterableProperties<N, V> extends Properties<N, V> {

  Set<N> filter(N filter);

And it would be good to have an interface for cloning prototype-based objects:

package org.adrianwalker.propertiespattern;

interface CloneableProperties<N, V> extends Properties<N, V>, Cloneable {

  CloneableProperties<N, V> clone();


With all of that out of the way it's time for an implementation. This implementation stores property name/value pairs in a HashMap, and filters using regular expressions:

package org.adrianwalker.propertiespattern;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public final class HashMapProperties<V, T, A> implements
        Properties<String, V>,
        ExecutableProperites<String, V, T, A>,
        CloneableProperties<String, V>,
        FilterableProperties<String, V> {

  public static final String PROTOTYPE = "prototype";
  private final Map<String, V> properties;

  public HashMapProperties() { = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());

  private HashMapProperties(final Map<String, V> map) { = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, V>(map));

  public V get(final String name) {

    if (properties.containsKey(name)) {

      return properties.get(name);

    if (properties.containsKey(PROTOTYPE)) {

      Properties<String, V> prototype =
              (Properties<String, V>) properties.get(PROTOTYPE);

      return prototype.get(name);

    return null;

  public V put(final String name, final V value) {

    if (PROTOTYPE.equals(name) && !(value instanceof Properties)) {

      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "prototype must be an instance of Properties");

    return properties.put(name, value);

  public boolean has(final String name) {

    if (properties.containsKey(name)) {

      return null != properties.get(name);

    if (properties.containsKey(PROTOTYPE)) {

      Properties<String, V> prototype =
              (Properties<String, V>) properties.get(PROTOTYPE);

      return prototype.has(name);

    return false;

  public V remove(final String name) {

    if (properties.containsKey(PROTOTYPE)) {

      Properties<String, V> prototype =
              (Properties<String, V>) properties.get(PROTOTYPE);

      if (prototype.has(name)) {

        properties.put(name, null);

        return prototype.get(name);

    if (properties.containsKey(name)) {

      return properties.remove(name);

    return null;

  public HashMapProperties<V, T, A> clone() {

    return new HashMapProperties<V, T, A>(properties);

  public T execute(final String name, final A... args) {

    V property = get(name);

    if (property instanceof Strategy) {

      return ((Strategy<String, V, T, A>) property).execute(this, args);

    return null;

  public Set<String> filter(final String regex) {

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);

    Set<String> filteredNames = new HashSet<String>();

    Set<String> names = properties.keySet();

    synchronized (properties) {
      for (String name : names) {
        if (!PROTOTYPE.equals(name) && pattern.matcher(name).matches()) {

    if (properties.containsKey(PROTOTYPE)) {
      FilterableProperties<String, V> prototype =
              (FilterableProperties<String, V>) properties.get(PROTOTYPE);

    return filteredNames;

Example Usage

The following example shows how you might use the above implementation. A prototype Properties object is created with a 'greeting' property and a 'getGreeting' Strategy property. These properties are inherited by a new Properties object.

The Properties object is cloned and it's greeting property is overridden.

The cloned Properties object's properties are filtered to return the getter Strategy's property name, then this is executed for the Properties object and it's clone:

package org.adrianwalker.propertiespattern;

import java.util.Set;
import static org.adrianwalker.propertiespattern.HashMapProperties.PROTOTYPE;

public final class Example {

  public static void main(final String[] args) {
    // create a prototype properties object with a greeting and a 
    // strategy which returns the greeting and an argument
    Properties prototype = new HashMapProperties();
    prototype.put("greeting", "Hello");
    prototype.put("getGreeting", new Strategy() {
      public String execute(final Properties properties, final Object... args) {

        return String.format("%s %s", properties.get("greeting"), args[0]);
    // create a properties object which inherit the greeting and 
    // strategy from the prototype

    HashMapProperties properties = new HashMapProperties();
    properties.put(PROTOTYPE, prototype);

    // clone the properties object and override the greeting property

    HashMapProperties clone = properties.clone();
    clone.put("greeting", "Ahoy");

    // filter for the getter properties, then execute the getter
    // on each properties object with a message argument and
    // print the message

    Set<String> getters = clone.filter("get.*");
    for (String getter : getters) {
      System.out.println(properties.execute(getter, "World"));
      System.out.println(clone.execute(getter, "Sailor"));

The example above should print the output:

Hello World
Ahoy Sailor


I've not implemented half of the functionality mentioned in original post, and not a fraction of a fraction of the possible applications for this pattern. The above code and a set of unit tests are available for download at the bottom of this page.

If you need the level of flexibility to warrant using this pattern, then, to quote the original article "use a programming language better suited for implementing the pattern: ideally, one that supports it from the ground up". So expect some JavaScript related posts in the future.

Source Code


Compile the project with 'mvn clean install'.